Resolution massage therapy

Frequently asked questions

Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?

Your massage will take place in studio or in your home. If in your home, a quiet space is needed to allow for table set up and maneuvering around the table.

Must I completely underdress?

Most massage techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed. It is possible and entirely up to you and your comfort whether you disrobe or remain partially clothed or fully clothed. You will be draped at all times to cover any part of the body not being worked on and your breasts and genital areas will always remain draped and untouched. Please feel free to ask your therapist any questions to ease any discomfort or apprehension you may have.

Will the therapist be present while I disrobe?

No. The therapist will leave the room while you disrobe and get comfortable on the table. You will have a sheet and blanket to cover yourself. Please make your therapist know if you tend to be warm or cool so the table temperature and room can be adjusted.

What body parts will be massaged?

Your massage will be customized to fit your needs. Typical areas to massage are the back, arms, legs, neck, and shoulders. Other areas that may be included depending on your consent and need are the glutes, pectorals, feet, and scalp or head/face.

What should I do during the massage session?

During the session, make yourself comfortable, breath, close your eyes or keep them open, communicate if you need more or less pressure, if you need to be warmer or cooler. The therapist will instruct you if you need to do anything to assist such as move a body part. Otherwise just relax!

How will I feel after the session?

Most people will be very relaxed. Some experience a burst of energy as the relaxation subsides, along with heightened awareness, and greater productivity. It is recommended you drink water and hydrate after the session.

Are there any medical conditions that make massage inadvisable?

Yes. It is imperative that you communicate all health conditions and medications to the therapist prior to your session. If you are under a medical provider's care, it is advised you get a written recommendation for massage. Depending on your condition, approval from your doctor my be required.